Portchester Gala
11am – 4.00pm
Good News!
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a Gala this year!
The Gala has long been a Portchester tradition, it will be lovely to bring you all something to look forward to.
Unfortunately there will not be a Parade this year but there will be the usual amazing fun fair, lots of stalls, activities, Classic Cars and Arena events inside the Castle grounds.
We look forward to welcoming you all on the day!
For more information please call The Hub on 02392 210048 or email admin@portchesterca.org.uk
Portchester Gala is a community run event that dates back over one hundred years. It is held annually comprising of a procession through the village followed by a day of events, games and stalls in the grounds of Portchester Castle, “the most impressive and best-preserved ‘Saxon Shore’ forts”.
The Gala is usually held every June (the 3rd Saturday in June) and over 5,000 visitors are expected each year. The day includes craft stalls, a fun fair, dancing displays and much, much more to keep the whole family entertained all day.
Please join in and help us to make the Gala as fantastic as possible be it as a volunteer, a procession entry or with a stall at the Castle.
The Gala is usually held annually on the third Saturday of June and is FREE entry, an event for all the family. This year the date is Saturday 15th June 2024. We will be open to the public between 11am – 4pm. Save the date!
Grounds of Portchester Castle, Church Road, Portchester PO16 9QW
Enjoy all your favorites with the Fun fair and Have-a-go archery, arena performances from local organisations & musicians, tug-of-war, classic cars, army vehicles, children’s activities including Trigger the train rides, ice creams & face painting. Also with a large variety of catering outlets and stalls to browse there’s something for everyone.

Don't miss the parade!
Unfortunately there won’t be a Parade this year but we hope to be back next year bigger and better! So no road closures but please expect increased traffic flow around the area especially Castle Street.
Road Closure
There will be no road closures for 2024