Clean up of Car Park Flowerbeds
Portchester Community Association (PCA) has been working with a variety of organisations to clean up the Portchester Precinct Flowerbeds over the last 2 years. We have now helped clean it up on 2 separate occasions, with another planned in 2018 with volunteers from 3rd Portchester Scouts.
National Citizenship Scheme Volunteers August 2017
A team of young volunteers from the National Citizenship scheme (accompanied by PCA volunteers) worked incredibly hard to make the precinct car park flowerbeds looks great once again. Many thanks to the volunteers for their time and effort, Community Action Fareham for organising the volunteer opportunity, to Streetscene, Fareham Borough Council for providing gardening equipment and collecting 21 bags of garden waste (WOW) and finally the Fairshare FoodCloud based at Tescos Port Solent for providing food for lunch. I think you can all agree, the hard work has paid off and the flowerbeds now look wonderful!
Clean for the Queen March 2016
Portchester Community Association worked in partnership with Fareham Borough Council and Fareham in Bloom volunteer team to ‘Clean for the Queen’. Many thanks to all workers and volunteers involved, we managed to completely re-vamp 3 flower beds in the precinct car park, re-paint many of the benches and do a massive litter sweep all within one day. We think the difference looks amazing! Also thank you to the little helpers from Andy Pandy Preschool